New versions of the Revit 2013 IFC Exporter (v2.7) and IFC Exporter UI (v1.7) are now available.
If you're not familiar with the open source IFC exporter for Revit you can learn more in a previous post. The project is located in SourceForge.
IFC Exporter New Functionality
- Consistent support across elements of Name,
Description, and ObjectType overrides. Added a Tag override and some
entity specific parameter support (e.g. CapacityByWeight,
CapacityByNumber, LandTitleNumber, SpaceElevationWithFlooring).
- Consistent usage across element types of
ApplicableOccurence and ElementType overrides.
- IFC property names can now be localized, based on the
language of the Revit project file. See PSet_WallCommon as an example.
- Support better interface for inputing IFC File Header
and Postal Address data. This is in conjunction with v1.7.0 of the UI.
IFC Exporter Bug Fixes
- Fix issue for some slabs that had their inner and outer
boundaries reversed.
- Include IfcSite boundary information when there is only
one Revit Site element.
New In IFC Export UI
- Added new "FMHandOver" view configuration.
- Added UI for specifying FILE_HEADER and
IfcPostalAddress information. This infomration is used by Exporter v2.7.0.